Using CCTV: Know Your Rights and Limits (UK) - Falcon Electrical
If you're a homeowner in the UK, there's a good chance you've heard of CCTV. Closed-circuit television cameras can provide extra security for your home and can be a powerful deterrent against crime. But what are your rights when it comes to using CCTV? And what are the limits on its use? This blog post will answer those questions and more.

What does CCTV stand for?

CCTV stands for closed-circuit television, which is a type of security system that uses cameras and monitors to monitor public spaces. These cameras document what is happening in an area at any given time, and they can be linked to a central monitoring station. CCTV systems are commonly used in businesses, airports, and other public spaces to help deter crime and provide added security. They are also used increasingly in private homes, although there are some specific restrictions on their use in this setting.
However, CCTV systems can also raise some important privacy concerns, as they often collect a tremendous amount of personal data about people who are simply going about their daily lives. Despite these concerns, many believe that the benefits provided by CCTV surveillance often outweigh the risks of violations of privacy. As such, we will likely continue to see CCTV systems play an important role in our everyday lives for many years to come.

Is it legal to record audio on CCTV in the UK?

The use of surveillance cameras for security and public safety purposes is governed by a variety of laws and regulations, including the Data Protection Act and the Human Rights Act. These laws place various restrictions on how private companies and government authorities can collect and use personal data, including images or audio captured on CCTV systems.
At present, recording audio that contains conversations between people on CCTV, particularly outside of your property's bounds, is illegal unless there are specific circumstances that justify such recordings, or you have permission from those being recorded. However, this may change in the future as laws continue to evolve in response to new technologies and concerns about privacy rights. Ultimately, any decision about whether to record audio on CCTV must be made on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the specific context of each situation.

Why CCTV signage is necessary for businesses

CCTV signage serves several important functions for businesses. First and foremost, it helps to deter criminal activity by indicating that security cameras are in use in the area. Criminals are less likely to commit crimes if they know that their actions will be captured on camera and can be used as evidence against them. It is a legal requirement in the UK, under the Data Protection Act, for businesses to have signs that clearly state that CCTV cameras are in use. This ensures that people are aware that they may be being recorded and can make an informed decision about whether or not to enter the premises.

When CCTV signage is necessary for your home

CCTV signage is an essential measure when it comes to protecting private property. Whether you are safeguarding your home and its contents, or you have sensitive materials or data that need to be protected, having security cameras in place can provide valuable peace of mind. If your home's CCTV covers an area beyond the boundary of the property, it is a legal requirement for signage to be present.
By marking your property as being under surveillance at all times, potential criminals will know that the risk of getting caught outweighs any potential benefits of breaking in. Furthermore, if you do end up experiencing a break-in or a theft on your property, CCTV footage can provide invaluable clues for figuring out who is responsible and bringing them to justice.

Can you point CCTV at a neighbour’s house?

A common question that many homeowners face is whether or not it is okay to point a CCTV camera at a neighbour’s property. The short answer is that, in most cases, it is not recommended to point a CCTV camera directly at a neighbour's house or property. This is because such surveillance could be considered an invasion of privacy and may cause undue stress and anxiety for the people living on the property. However, if you decide to point CCTV at your neighbour's property for whatever reason, then your use of the system is subject to data protection laws.
While you are not breaking the law by using CCTV in this way, you are considered a data controller. That means you will need to comply with your legal obligations under the data protection laws.

How does GDPR factor into CCTV?

At the heart of the GDPR is a concern for data privacy and security. With increasingly sophisticated forms of surveillance such as CCTV cameras, it is more important than ever to protect individuals' personal information and ensure their right to privacy. One way that GDPR impacts CCTV use is by placing restrictions on how long companies can store video footage and what they can do with that footage once it has been collected. For example, companies must obtain explicit consent before using or sharing any individual's data, and they are only allowed to keep collected data for specific purposes related to their business activities.
Additionally, companies must also have strict protocols in place to safeguard sensitive personal information from being compromised or lost. Overall, by regulating the handling of CCTV and other surveillance technologies, GDPR helps to ensure that individuals' private information remains secure.

How long does CCTV footage last?

CCTV footage typically lasts for a relatively short period, typically around 30 days. This is by UK law, which requires that all recorded video be deleted after a certain period unless there is cause to retain it. The main reason for this is to protect the privacy of individuals captured on camera; while video surveillance can be an effective tool in helping to prevent and prosecute crime, people should not feel as though their every movement is constantly being monitored.
That said, there may be occasions when CCTV footage needs to be retained for longer than usual, such as if a serious incident or crime has been caught on camera. In these cases, UK law allows law enforcement and security officials to extend the retention period as needed. Overall, CCTV footage is only retained for as long as necessary to ensure safety and security.

The best places to point your CCTV camera

When it comes to installing security cameras, one of the most important factors to consider is where to point your CCTV. A front door is one of the most commonly targeted entry points, so placing a camera here can help to catch any intruders who might try to gain access to your home. Additionally, placing cameras in back windows and near back doors or windows can also be a good way forward, as these offer another potential entry point that needs monitoring.
However, it is also crucial not to overlook less expected locations for potential security breaches or weak spots. For example, you might consider pointing a few cameras towards your backyard to cover any possible points of ingress from your neighbours' yards or the street.

Ultimately, deciding where to place surveillance cameras will depend on the layout of your home and property as well as on regional security concerns and risks. With a thoughtful approach and some foresight about potential weak spots, however, you can ensure that your CCTV system provides maximum coverage and thus optimal security for your home and family.


Overall, it is important to be aware of the law when it comes to using CCTV and knowing your rights and limits. If you're looking for more information on CCTV or need help setting up a system for your business, contact our team today. At Falcon, we stock an ever-growing range of CCTV cameras, accessories and systems for use in both commercial and residential buildings. Shop our full CCTV range today and enjoy quick delivery to your door, wherever you are in the UK.